Do it the way you like.Īfter that you'll use WinActivate on IDM and copy the link in the right field and click resume button. There are plenty of way to do this, there is a way to get a complete collection of the links with the _IELinkGetCollection, you can read the whole page source with _IEBodyReadHTML, or just the text with _IEBodyReadText. And then you can copy the link name to a variable with _IePropertyGet or something like that. How to find the correct link name is a logic you'll have to implement yourself as I don't even know how those link are created or how they look like. Then I could examine and scan the document links with all the _IE function to get DOM objects like _IEGetObjByName, _IEGetObjById and so on. This will make use of IE library, so include it with #include įirstly I would embed the download page in the AutoIT program with an _IECreateEmbedded. You can check every function with relative code examples in the help file (F1 with editor open). I'll give you something to work on and then you'll have to study how those things work (as I did when I needed them).
Well, writing some code to show you all of that would be a huge task, but I can point you to the right direction.